costing the earth

Meat and leather production is catastrophic for the environment in terms of deforestation, biodiversity loss and greenhouse gas emissions.

Meat production alone is thought to be responsible for consuming 27% of the world's water supply, using 2400 litres to make a single burger.

some defend the use of leather by pointing out that it is a by-product of meat production, but leather thereby adds value to a harmful industry that is responsible for the death of 60 billion animals per year

Whilst some modern methods of leather tanning are making this stage of leather creation cleaner, the vast majority of leather is still made using harmful chemicals which can affect the health of workers and produce toxic waste, polluting the planet on an industrial scale. Traditional tanning techniques are also extremely water-intensive.

Furthermore, many leathers use a plastic coating to correct the grain, hiding natural imperfections or to give a shiny, metallic or printed appearance. Because of these coatings, many leathers are unable to breakdown naturally.

pioneers of change : re-thinking how we treat the planet and the animals on it

Change is afoot… pioneering companies such as Pinatex are developing plant-based alternatives, turning would-be waste into high quality footwear materials.

Whilst small amounts of polymers are still required to make these materials hardwearing, we’re proud to partner with these innovators and will work with them towards a more climate-friendly future.

a greener future

As more people switch to an increasingly plant-based diet and material innovations continue through pioneering research and development, it is hoped that land used for livestock can be returned to nature to allow reforestation and an increase in biodiversity through complex eco-systems.

This won’t happen overnight, but we have the power through our own decisions to make the world a better place.